Ian was born with cerebral palsy and has been coming to Quantum Leap Farm for almost 2 years.
He began in our Hippotherapy Program, with our physical and occupational therapists, doing on-the-ground activities to build his strength.
In Dec 2016, Ian began riding on a saddle pad, hunched over and needing heavy support from the therapists.
Today, one year later, Ian rode in a saddle for the very first time! His feet stayed in the stirrups, he sat up tall and needed very little support from the therapists. Alexis, our Occupational Therapist reported today that Ian needed 60% less help sitting up and has shown huge gains in his trunk stability and posture. He rode around the arena several times in this position while the therapists sang “The Ants Go Marching,” one of his favorite songs.
Click here to learn more about our Hippotherapy Program.
Donate to help kids like Ian receive equine-assisted therapy.